Proper form and movement patterns are the foundation of athletics. You can’t build a castle on sand. In order for your body to handle the training load you’re wanting to do, having a solid foundation of form and mechanics is an important place to start.
We recommend scheduling a one-on-one session with a coach if you’d benefit from any of the following:
An evaluation of your swimming, cycling, or running to look at form, technique, cadence, etc. and to get tips that you can use immediately
A one-on-one coaching session/lesson for swimming, cycling, or running
A planning meeting to talk about tips for single-sport or triathlon training, race suggestions, etc.
We are available for any and all athletes who are self-coached, coached with other coaches, or coached with us. For SBR athletes who sign on for a Personalized Coaching plan, you have one included evaluation for each of the disciplines for which you’re being coached by us.
The rate for an evaluation or single coaching session is $70/hour.
Contact us via email at info@sbrcoaching.com to let us know how we can help you build your comfort, efficiency, strength, and performance.
If you’re a new swimmer, swimming can be an intimidating discipline. Sometimes even the thought of having your face in the water can be daunting. From those who are new to the pool or open water to those who are seasoned swimmers and want feedback on technique, anyone can benefit from a swim stroke evaluation.
The swim stroke evaluation is 60 minutes, which includes swim instruction, in-water practice time, video analysis as needed, and corrective exercises/drill prescription.
Swim evaluations take place at the Verona High School Aquatic Center.
A cycling evaluation is a 1-hour session where you will meet with a coach, look at your general bike position, hook up to our CompuTrainer system, and look at data regarding your pedal stroke. We will also discuss how to ride effectively and prescribe drills to improve pedaling efficiency. After our session, if it seems like a more thorough bike fit would be beneficial, we will make recommendations to help connect you.
Bike evaluations take place at SBR in our CompuTrainer studio.
A run evaluation will teach you proper running mechanics, correct posture, and balance. We will also talk about muscle balance and look at corrective exercises you could do to improve running economy.
In a running gait analysis, we begin by talking about your goals, running history, injury history, etc. Next, you’ll toss on the running shoes and spend a few minutes on the treadmill. We often do some video analysis and look at what looks great with your form and what we could work on. We’ll discuss ways to make effective changes and prescribe drills to help improve your stride.
Run evaluations take place at SBR on our treadmill or outside on a nearby trail or track.